I recently read that by 2015 that it is estimated that at least 115.8 million people will have a Smartphone (I phone or Android),which sounds insane right?!
Everywhere I go I see more people spending time with their Smartphone which tells me one thing! That mobile Apps are hottest commodity to have right now!
The app is the new internet.
If you want to get a new stream of leads and customers, I have good news for you.
Start tapping into the mobile market. The evidence is already obvious - According to Nielson, the reputed market research firm, over half of the U.S. population (50.4 percent) currently owns a smart device.
And Morgan Stanley predicted that by 2014 mobile internet usage will overtake desktop internet.
Now the question is, how would you be able to enter and start marketing in the
mobile world? The trick is creating a mobile app. If you’re a business, then you can create a business app for your company. For instance, Starbucks has its own “business app,” which acts an extended marketing channel for its existing brand.
If you’re a marketer, you can create a simple content app where the user gets to consume relevant content through the app. For instance, if you’re marketing in the fitness niche, you can always create an app related to fitness.
To further understand what a content app is, just think of it as a website that has been turned into an app. The way to make money with this app is to pick a niche market and create content about it. The same as you do with internet marketing. For instance, you can create an app about cooking that includes recipes, cooking videos, cooking material reviews, etc. – content.
The best part is: mobile apps are not just about Apple apps. You could be “doubling” your market by simply making your application good for Apple users and Android users as well! Generally, the Apple market is more of a buyer-market and the Android market is more volume-based.
Because the marketplace for both of these platforms are so big, you can easily start getting new app users even if you’re not actively promoting your app. Secondly, advertising in mobile networks is relatively new, thus you can expect your advertising campaign to be very cost-effective.
Getting started making money online with this “new way” – mobile app marketing.
Resources: Get A-Z training on how to make money with content apps and cutting-edge software to create Apple and Android apps at http://simpleappblueprint.com/vip/?access=dawndragon

6 Ways to Make Money from Mobile Apps
By now, you should know that the hottest opportunity to make money online is none other than mobile apps.
But what most people are unaware of are the ways to monetize these apps. They usually think of selling mobile apps as they are, but the truth is there are so many other ways to go about it. Here are six of them:
1. Sell the app for $0.99 or $1.99. Do not under-estimate the small value of micro-transactions. With hundreds of millions of smartphone and iPhone users, it’s not a surprise that even a newbie who creates a mobile app can get a lot of traffic from both the Appstore and Google Play Store.
2. Top and bottom banner advertising. There are many ad networks that you can join for free where they’ll display ads in your app. Usually you’ll get paid per click from these banner ads.
3. Nagscreen promotion. Not all apps have started using this tactic yet, but it has been proven to be very effective – display a nag screen to promote an offer before the user gets into the app.
4. Sending push notification offers. Just like email marketing, you can reach your app users through push notifications. There are many advantages of using push notification versus emails including getting your messages sent in real time and having it read instantly.
5. In-app purchases. Today, there are many awesome apps which are given away for free. Reason is: they monetize the revenue by selling related items within the app. For instance, for a video game an in app purchase could be items for the game character or some “power ups.”
6. Adsense in apps. Adsense is not just limited to websites. They can also be displayed on mobile apps. If you’re not familiar with Adsense, it’s an ad network by Google where you’re able to generate income simply by getting others to click on the Adsense ads.
The fact is there are so many opportunities to make money with mobile apps today; ironically, the most important part is not about monetization, but to simply get started. Basically, once you have the users, you can apply all sorts of monetization methods. So don’t be concerned about how to make money with mobile apps, be more concerned with how to create your first mobile app.
Resource: Get the Simple App Blueprint to walk you to through how to create your first mobile app for Apple and Android. Go to http://simpleappblueprint.com/vip/?access=dawndragon
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