I thought I would post some of my favorite things so far, I just Love massage oils and chocolate (but then again ,who in their right mind would not love chocolate) I gotta say there are a lot of great finds on the net these days.

So who else , oh yeah I almost forgot. Who else has this problem? Snoring? I know I do some times.
Oh and its that time of year again. Do you have all you vitamins? I love the variety here.

And I absolutely cannot forget, I have cats,dogs and horses. Well 2 of my dogs are seniors and they have pain as well as 2 of my horses ,so this stuff sure comes in handy. If you have never tried Serrapeptase, you should. it works on inflammation anywhere in the body,its natural and can be safely used on children as well as animals. At my house it is in the first aid kit.

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